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Facebook Central

The one social media site I visit daily is Facebook.  It is the one place I know I will be fully updated on everyone’s lives in a matter of minutes.  So it was no-brainer to begin my nonprofit social media overload on that site.  It is through Facebook that I feel I can reach the most people quickly and efficiently. 

I rarely post status updates on Facebook, but this week I have increased my activity quite a bit.  Since it is Earth Week, I tried to post intriguing and relevant blurbs to get people interesting.  Also, I emphasized that Wellspring for the World is a local nonprofit that could use everyone’s help.  After a while I felt like I was more of a pest that actually getting people’s attention.  However, the “like” on Wellspring slowing are starting to climb.  Maybe someone is paying attention.

Also our nonprofit has a great display in the downtown Fargo library.  I wanted to increase interest (if not just awareness) of the valuable information this kiosk has for people.  My main goal is to be omnipresent on social media for a while.  I hope if my updates are variable and educational they will attract more interest.  Has anyone found good attention grabbers?  

I will continue my Facebook overload into the next few weeks hoping to bring more people to the great nonprofit.  While I’m at it, everyone go to Wellspring for the World Facebook and check it out!

Comments on: "Facebook Central" (4)

  1. Kelsey, are you going to take some pictures of the library installation? I haven’t seen any pictures on the Wellspring FB or webpage. And while you are taking those pictures, you could share them with the Library (I assume it has a fb page!) to try and bring some of their friends over to Wellspring.

    As for the overload of updates, that is an interesting challenge. When any of us go from zero to 60, the first response from friends might be “what the heck is going on?” And most of us stear clear of crazy people, so it is hard to get responses. Did you try something as simple as “I’m doing a class project with Wellsprings for the World; have any of you heard of it?” and follow up with some posts that might not be Wellspring specific: “I just learned that only 35% of the world’s population has access to clean water” and maybe link to a source / story. I think my friends respond to news of South Sudan as much or more than they respond to my posts about ASAH.

  2. I don’t feel bad about over posting using my personal account, but I am conscious about the amount I post as CHARISM. I have unliked businesses on Facebook because they became very annoying and too persistent. It’s important to be aware of your audience. It’s unlikely that all of the users on Facebook who “like” the organization are constantly interested in hearing about CHARISM every day. It’s a difficult balance.

  3. Kate Bladow said:

    So I recently learned from Carie Lewis at the HSUS about Facebook’s edge rank – – which determines which posts show up in a person’s news feed. I believe that she recommending posting once a day on average. (If you do post more than once, separate the posts by at least 3 hours – – unless you have a good reason not to.) – K

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